
In our Indoor Section, you Get Informed so you can know how to determine the quality of your Indoor Drinking Water and, if contaminated, learn how to Get Tested (get your drinking water tested) and Get Treatment (get your drinking water properly treated) to remediate a drinking water quality problem that can impact the aesthetic quality of the drinking water, adversely impact the health of you, your family, community, or employees, or adversely impact the water-related infrastructure in your home, office, community building, or facility. In addition, we offer helpful Tools and ongoing ways to Get Connected and Get Involved with like minds within your community and globally. Our Indoor section is divided into the seven sections; each section focuses on an area that will lead you along your journey on the Path to Clean Drinking Water.
The first step on your Path to Clean Drinking Water is our Get informed section, where we’ll help you broaden your water quality knowledge. This section informs you about Drinking Water Sources and whether they are City (Public) or Well (Private), Drinking Water Contaminants that can be a threat to your drinking water, the EPA Drinking Water Standards for drinking water contaminants, a Drinking Water Topics article section, a Water Terms Glossary, and a Water Library with resources related to Drinking Water, Surface Water, Well Water, and Groundwater Water.
Once you’ve Gotten Informed, the next step on the Path to Clean Drinking Water is to Get Tested. In this section, you’ll learn about the four different levels of Drinking Water Quality Testing which include Level 1 - Self Testing that can be done through direct observations, Level 2 - Low-Cost DIY Testing with Screening Tools and Water Quality and Environmental Meters and Monitors, Level 3 - Informational Water Testing that you send to a testing laboratory using a water sampling and testing kit, and Level 4 - Certified Testing that is done by a water quality professional at a certified water-testing laboratory or facility.
After you've Got informed about what can compromise your drinking water quality, and you've Got Tested to confirmed that your drinking water may be contaminated, your home may be adversely effected, or your have an illness or higher than normal levels of contaminants in your body, the next step is to Get Treatment. In this section, you'll learn about the types of Water Treatment Systems you can use and determined how to implement the best water treatment solution and environmental treatment solution to protect the long-term health and safety of yourself, your family, your home, and in some cases your community.
In this section you can Get Tools that you can use that help you determine the quality of your drinking water and properly understand the risk to your personal health, family safety, and potential damage to your home and water related appliances. These tools include our Self Testing Web App and Neighborhood Environmental Report with more innovative tools and resources in development.
In this section, we offer a mixture of online, classroom, and field environmental educational opportunities for future water professionals, citizen scientists, and those looking to expand their knowledge about water, water quality, and earth science. We hope the training resources we offer will provide the foundation for fact-based grassroots environmental education and outreach.
We offer ways for you to Get Connected and interact with like minds that share the mission of clean drinking water. Join the conversation by following us on Facebook and Twitter, and Join Our Email Newsletter List to continue to stay informed and educated. Also, please feel free to send us an email to share your story and insights with the community. Spread the word about the mission of clean drinking water to family, friends, and colleagues!
We offer ways you can Get Involved. We can show you how to create a Homeowner Outreach program with a neighborhood plan and launch a community event presentation. We’re also working on a program where you can create a KnowYourH2O online account to periodically test your water, manage your water quality data and contribute your data anonymously to our upcoming Global Drinking Water Quality Database and Map that will monitor the water quality of our communities.
The KnowYourH2O program is aligned with the Keystone Clean Water Team. KCWT is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, volunteer, environmental education organization that provides homeowners with information on private wells, drinking water quality and quantity, and septic systems. The KCWT is dedicated to protecting private well owners from illnesses caused by our drinking water. We encourage you to Donate, spread the word or Volunteer or start a local Keystone Clean Water Team in your community.