
Water Quality Index Calculator for Drinking Water (Coming Soon)

We're currently in the process of developing a Water Quality Index Calculator for Drinking water. In the meantime, here are helpful tips on the importance of staying hydrated.

Hydration and Health

Brian Oram, Licenced Professional Geologist

Even though 60% of the human body is water, the impact of water on health is often overlooked. The primary health concerns with water relate to both quantity and quality.  When you go to the doctor's office or hospital or get blood work, what is one of the most common health indicators health professionals check? They check to see if you're properly hydrated! They check your body temperature and oxygen level and look for visual clues for a hydration problem.  For example, I just recently went for blood work, and the nurse had difficulty finding a vein and asked if I was dehydrated, and the answer was YES!  I was fasting and taking fiber supplements at the time.

When your body is dehydrated, it can send out distress signals in the form of symptoms like muscle fatigue, dizziness, extreme thirst, and very dark-colored urine. Chronic dehydration can lead to more serious issues like constipation, headaches, and muscle weakness. Recognizing these signs is crucial for maintaining your health. 

There are phone apps and other tools to help you remember to drink enough water, but our general recommendation is if you feel thirsty, it is time to get a drink, and if given a choice, choose Clean Water.

Here's a handy calculator to determine your recommended daily water intake.

Water Intake Calculator

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