
Case Studies

The staff of the KnowYourH20™ program have been the primary investigators/consultants and have participated in developing and conducting training programs and courses for students, teachers, environmental groups, environmental professionals, and the public in a variety of forums.

The experts with KnowYourH20™ have assisted or developed workshops, educational material, laboratory/field training exercises, and conducted hands-on training workshops. Workshop topics include: environmental monitoring, sampling and testing, non-point-source pollution, development of monitoring plans, quality control and assurance programs, water well construction and testing, and drinking water testing and treatment. The team has worked on a number of investigations, case studies, historic data reviews, and professional consulting projects related to drinking water and water/wastewater related issues.

Common Drinking Water Problems

We started the private water and public water Case Study section to help inform other water users how to identify a problem, investigate an issue, and ultimately resolve their specific problem. Since most drinking water problems are not purely unique, these case studies provide a useful guide to address some of the most common drinking water and water-related problems. Because problems seem to reoccur, it is common for some professionals to "Jump to a Solution", but the only problem is that in many cases this is not the only problem or final solution. These case studies follow my version of the scientific method that we developed to help identify the cause and develop effective solutions. This approach has evolved into the KnowYourH20 Drinking Water Self-Test Web App and our Path to Clean Water approach of Get Informed, Get Tested, and Get Treatment.

Dimock, PA - Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking)

The town of Dimock in Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania and Drinking Water Quality brought attention to natural gas development, drinking water, and groundwater quality in Pennsylvania.   Some have called the region "Ground Zero in the Fight Over Fracking" and the area became part of a number of movies, such as: Gaslands, Truthland, and Fracknation.  Like many sociopolitical issues, two camps were created. The one camp said "Natural Gas Development caused the Problem" and the other camp "It was not us."  When you have two sides following talking points, we tend to not be making decisions based on facts. The goal of this section of the site was to provide a fact based review of the water quality data that was generated by the EPA and others during the 2012 assessment of the "Dimock" Wells, because it was very difficult to be a fact based professional when the issue was so divisive (Video).

Commercial Water Treatment Systems

The case studies in this section apply to commercial entities the we guided along the Path to Clean Water by evaluating, testing, diagnosing, and ultimately developing a long-term solution to their water issues. We work on a number of commercial projects and conduct many studies and assessments, but because of confidentiality only a few can be shared with the community.

Additional Resources

Get Informed

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Get Tested

Level 1
Level 2
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Level 3
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Level 4

Get Treatment

Short Term
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