

Using the KnowYourH2O Website

Get Informed - Find Information on Common Contaminants in Drinking Water
Get Tested - Understand the different testing levels and find the best Drinking Water Test Kit for your issue.
Get Treatment - Determine Short-term and Long-term water treatment solutions.  

The KnowYourH2O website features two sections:

Indoor focuses on Drinking Water for the General Public, Professionals, and Educators

Outdoor focuses on Surface Water and is geared toward the Water Professional, Educators and Citizens Scientists.

In addition, we provide a free Self Diagnostic Tool, ways to connect with like minds and ways to Get Involved such as Sharing Your Data to our Global Water Quality Index Map and hosting a community workshop.  If you are concerned about a specific contaminant, use the Drinking Water Contaminant Search Tool

Each of the two sections are divided into steps along the Path to Clean Water which shows you how to Get Informed, Get Tested and Get Treatment in order to remediate your water issues.

If you are looking for a specific type of water testing kit use the search tool at our Shop, if you are having a problem you can use our Water Quality by Problem Tool or ry our New Self Diagnostic Tool.